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What I can do to help you control your weight

- help you identify why you turn to food


- work with you to devise a strategy towards fulfilling missing needs in your life


- teach you proven coping techniques


- teach you how to eat more healthily


- help you to get control back over food


- help you identify a more balanced lifestyle


- help you identify realistic ways of introducing more exercise into your life


- reduce or remove old eating habits during hypnosis


- rehearse a more balanced way of behaving during hypnosis

I currently offer several different options to help you manage your eating.

 Virtual Gastric Band Weight-Loss Program - 4-12 sessions in clinic/online - find out more

 The Virtual Slimming Jab Weight-Loss Program - 4-12 sessions in clinic/online - find out more

 Menopause Metamorphosis Weight-Loss Program -4-12 sessions in clinic/online - find out more
​ Bespoke Weight Management Program  - in Clinic/Online which is tailored to an individual's specific requirements


Weight Management



People who over eat aren't bad, or weak.  People who over eat generally do so as a way of fulfilling a need that's not being met. Some people turn to food to find comfort. Some people turn to food to relieve boredom or anxiety.  This coping strategy is usually meant to be a short term fix, but can easily and quickly become a habit.  Like any habit, it can be broken with a little work, education and new ways of thinking about food.

There has been a lot in the media concerning diets, and it really has been shown time and again that they don't work.  Healthy eating and lifestyle change are key to losing weight and keeping it off in the long term.

People who under eat aren't bad, or weak.  People who under eat generally do so as a way of fulfilling a need that's not being met. Lots of people purge their food as a way of getting control back in their lives, and as mentioned above, this short term fix can easily become a habit, which can prove difficult to break.

Weight Issues
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