Book onto my
Trauma Recovery Program
hypnosis course

Are you ready to
the crippling effects
& reclaim your life?
Transform into a calmer, more confident & happier you!
4-Sessions via
Zoom or in Clinic
Trauma Recovery Program
with Andrea Aro
Brief, Solution Focused Psychotherapist
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Trauma Recovery Program
PTSD Treatment WITHOUT Having to Relive the Trauma
PTSD can occur after experiencing or witnessing traumatic events such as:
Witnessing death
Military combat
Serious road accidents
Terrorist attacks
Natural or man-made disasters
Being held hostage
Violent personal assaults, such as sexual assault, mugging or robbery
When we experience a trauma we are bombarded with a massive amount of information. Unfortunately, sometimes the information is not processed. As a consequence, anything that triggers a reminder of the situation will bring back the emotion just as strongly as if we are re-experiencing the event now.
An example of this would be a soldier who had been traumatised by gunshots in the battlefield. The sound of a car backfiring could be a trigger that brings back the exact emotion that he experienced at the time.
Common symptoms of PSTD are many and varied and include:
Re-living aspects of trauma
Vivid flashbacks
Irritable and aggressive behaviour
Lack of concentration
Extreme alertness
Anxiety and panic attacks
Easily startled
Feeling numb and empty
Suicidal feelings
Intrusive thoughts and images
Relationship problems
Guilt - could I have prevented the event?
Easily moved to tears
Seeking dangerous pursuits
Avoiding people and places
Over reaction to situations
Misuse of drugs/alcohol
Self-sabotage and self-destructive tendencies
Tense muscles
Problems at work
Distrustful and suspicious
Mood swings and depression
Feeling isolated
Feeling disassociated
The good news is that there is a gentle way to defeat the trauma and manage anxiety so that you can live the life you want to live and that's what you can experience by taking part in my Trauma Recovery Program.
Don't allow PTSD stop you from 'becoming the person you deserve to be'.
What Can You Do About It?
My Trauma Recovery Program will help. Hypnosis is an effective and gentle approach in dealing with Post Traumatic Stress and enables participants to recover and regain their life in a relatively short amount of time - most people notice an improvement in how they feel after the first session.
It will free you from the trauma and teach you the coping skills and mechanisms that will enable you to make rapid progress. It will help refocus your mindset to enable you to adapt, change and to look to the future with renewed hope and confidence.
Benefits of taking part in this Program:
• Drug free, safe treatment​
• You will NOT be required to relive the ordeal during our sessions - therapy should always be pain free
• Offers significant improvements from 1st session
• The overall quality of your life will be significantly enhanced - feel a new level of confidence
• Your immune system will be stronger
• Your stamina will be increased
• You will make better decisions
• You will feel more relaxed and resilient
• You will experience less anger, less fear, less physical discomfort and a greater sense of background happiness and well-being
• You will achieve deep states of relaxation
• You will have more energy
• You will be more effective in your every-day life
• You will access your body’s natural ability for instant calm and deep relaxation
• You will change your response to stress and worry and stay at your best for longer
And NOW you can benefit from this life enhancing program either from the comfort of your own home, wherever you are in the world via Zoom, or in-clinic in Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex.
Trauma Recovery Program
break FREE from PTSD so that you can live your best life!

My Trauma Recovery Program will lift the symptoms quickly and gently. It will furnish you with tools, tips and techniques that will allow you to 'become the person you deserve to be'.
A calmer, more confident you - and who knows what new opportunities that will bring...
This is a 4 session tailor-made course that is designed for each INDIVIDUAL and their specific needs and will fundamentally change your world for good!
I have designed the program to give you positivity in all areas of your life, so that you feel as though you can walk taller, feel more confident and be happier!
The Trauma Recovery Program will include:
4 Hypnotherapy sessions (online or in-clinic)
Sessions will be between 60-90 minutes long.
Each client will be taught powerful, proven techniques that can be used immediately to lower anxiety.
Each client is given an audio support recording to listen to between sessions.
Tailor made sessions designed to meet your specific needs
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a method for change that has been proven to work over the centuries. Hypnosis is simply a state of focused awareness during which your conscious mind, your analytical brain is moved aside to allow your subconscious mind to become highly creative and receptive to new ideas.
Can everyone be hypnotised?
People who want to be hypnotised will be. Hypnosis is not as unusual as people think. People get into a hypnotic state daily while engrossed into various activities such as watching a film, reading a book or even driving. Hypnosis is simple a state of focused awareness.
Will I lose control?
No, you will definitely not lose control. During hypnosis you remain in control the whole time. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. It is a state focused awareness that is induced through the therapist's directions. But hypnosis cannot happen without your participation. The more you follow the therapist's instructions, the more relaxed you will be and the more receptive you will become.
Will I lose consciousness?
No, it will feel as though you are in a comfortable dose-like state.
How do I access the Zoom course?
Once you have booked your place, you will be sent an email with a link to the Online Alcohol Reduction Zoom session. Simply click the link a few minutes before the time of the session and you will be directed on to the webinar. Watch a video about Zoom.
Do I need Zoom?
It is not necessary to have Zoom installed, although you will need to internet access via a laptop, preferably, or smart phone.
How will it work?
I will guide you through my tried and tested program giving you tools and advice to take away with you to use in between sessions. I will deliver a hypnosis segment and whilst this happens, all you need to do is make yourself comfortable in a chair or bed and close your eyes and listen to the life-changing program, whilst relaxing deeply. If you have earphones, then that is great, but not completely necessary to benefit profoundly. In between each session you will be required to listen to a support audio daily.
Do I need to do anything?
Any change requires some conscious effort on your part, so make a resolve now to take responsibility and follow the guidelines to o the letter, and success will be yours!